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1992 L.A. Riots (Rodney King) I was there!

  I was attending The University of Western Ontario in London when I received a fairly substantial legal win. And as usual I did the reckles...

Friday, July 01, 2022

SCREAMERS and CARDBOARD BRAINS at The Horseshoe Tavern, October 31, 1978

 I remember being on the set of CINOFRENIC and having to go to open for The Screamers later that night. Cathryn Gilday of the Toronto Globe and Mail gave us a very nice review entitled “Cardboard Brains Just Fine”.


Anonymous said...

Weird to have Drastic Measures on the same bill.

Can't imagine how a crowd waiting for Tomato DuPlenty would react to DM playing "Teddy Bears Picnic"

John Paul Young said...

Drastic Measures also opened for The Stranglers at The Horseshoe and The Stranglers gave them a hard time. We used to practice at Tuxedo Junction on Yonge Street with them. JPY.