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1992 L.A. Riots (Rodney King) I was there!

  I was attending The University of Western Ontario in London when I received a fairly substantial legal win. And as usual I did the reckles...

Friday, August 05, 2022



Sloth.There is much  for me to tell but  most of  the time  I don’t feel like doing anything. I would like to post daily because the search engines like to sniff the keywords. This Apple Magic Keyboard is pretty neat  but the space bar the is malfunctioning in that I must hit the shift key in between words.

Which is much more than you need to know. Previous posts have been brief and vague because I am just getting used to blogging and the limitations of my technology. Topics such as Curriculum Vitae have been pretty vacant, I haven’t even included my filmography. Days go by. Canada Day July 1,2022 went by and I wanted to post. My birthday July 16, 2022 (66). Eventually I posted something but not much.

Eventually I want to explore the Cardboard Brains history with an analysis of the various releases, including my solo LP “The Life of Ermie Scub “. I want to address my filmography including Metal Messiah (1978), The Gate (1986), Johnny Mnemonic (1996), Killer Rats (2001) and Gods, Gambling and LSD (2003).

It’s painful but I will detail how and why I effectively disappeared for twenty years and why Nardwaur appears in The Last Pogo Jumps Again (2006).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone, deep in their hearts, is waiting for the end of the world to come.

~ Haruki Murakami.