I wrote the last blog early in the morning, feeling terribly ill, which explains all the typos and such. One day, I intend to edit all of it, but for now, I'm just glad to have some material published. It's material that's difficult for me to discuss, yet it's something I constantly think about. However, I find it cathartic to share it on a public online forum.

I touched upon my brother's death to some extent, though not completely. Honestly, I'd prefer not to delve into it, but I find it necessary. I felt compelled to mention discovering my brother's body to provide context to the series of events that impacted my nuclear family: the subsequent passing of my mother, my abduction, my seven baseless arrests, and four unjust incarcerations. Not to mention, enduring ten years on the harsh streets of Toronto while being swindled out of approximately fifteen million dollars in cash and assets.

The "sick as a dog" episode began with a tickle in my throat, evolving into a cold-like feeling. I was staying at "Erica's," also known as The Veltmeyer Estate. For three or four days, I lay in bed, my skin crawling. It's somewhat miraculous that I managed to blog at all. The lack of formatting and detail is something I'll rectify later, or "fix it in the mix," to borrow a phrase from recording.

After several days, during a conversation with Erica, we talked about my "goose pimple bone" (referencing John Lennon's "COLD TURKEY").

That's when I realized I was experiencing withdrawal. I immediately packed, caught a cab, and rushed home. I went straight to THE BUBBLE, where my medication was stored. Trembling, I received the blister pack, hurried to my room, and took the pills I'd missed for days.

Strangely, in two hours, I felt completely fine. No COVID or any other illness. I was cured, praise be, and I've been high on life ever since. It's a reminder to always take my medication—it's what keeps me happy to be alive.

I still haven't—


Anonymous said…
Out of life's school of war — what doesn't kill me, makes me stronger. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
Anonymous said…
Intimidation of a justice system participant or a journalist

423.1 (1) No person shall, without lawful authority, engage in any conduct with the intent to provoke a state of fear in

(a) a group of persons or the general public in order to impede the administration of criminal justice;
(b) a justice system participant or military justice system participant in order to impede him or her in the performance of his or her duties; or
(c) a journalist in order to impede him or her in the transmission to the public of information in relation to a criminal organization.
(2) [Repealed, 2015, c. 13, s. 12]

(3) Every person who contravenes this section is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than fourteen years.
Anonymous said…

423 (1) Every one is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction who, wrongfully and without lawful authority, for the purpose of compelling another person to abstain from doing anything that he or she has a lawful right to do, or to do anything that he or she has a lawful right to abstain from doing,

(a) uses violence or threats of violence to that person or their intimate partner or children, or injures the person’s property;

(b) intimidates or attempts to intimidate that person or a relative of that person by threats that, in Canada or elsewhere, violence or other injury will be done to or punishment inflicted on him or her or a relative of his or hers, or that the property of any of them will be damaged;

(c) persistently follows that person;

(d) hides any tools, clothes or other property owned or used by that person, or deprives him or her of them or hinders him or her in the use of them;

(e) with one or more other persons, follows that person, in a disorderly manner, on a highway;

(f) besets or watches the place where that person resides, works, carries on business or happens to be; or

(g) blocks or obstructs a highway.
Anonymous said…
Indictable Offences:

The most serious criminal offences are frequently those that fall under the category of “indictable offences,” which are those that can only be pursued through an allegation.

This kind of offence is free from the statute of limitations. Years or even decades after an indictable offence was committed, a person may still be charged with it.
Anonymous said…
Medical Malpractices

If any medical practices occur anywhere for the doctors’ negligence, in that case, you will have two years to file a lawsuit or take any other legal options. But if the result of that malpractice is severe, there is no statute of limitations in that case.
Anonymous said…
Private prosecutions

Usually, allegations of criminal activity are reported to the police who may lay a criminal charge after conducting their investigation. If you have evidence or information leading you to believe that someone has committed a crime, you can apply to lay a criminal charge by filing an application with the Ontario Court of Justice. This is called a private prosecution.

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