
Wednesday, January 18, 2023


Amongst the unfortunately limited discography of myself  and CARDBOARD BRAINS is 1998 digital compilation of all the vinyl releases. Above you can   see the original, which has a BLACK spine.

I found on AMAZON when I was scouring the internet, which I am prone to do, a copy of the compilation CD. Having lost all my possessions including all of the mint rare vintage vinyl that I had archived diligently, I am forced to buy up copies of my own records and CDs from collectors.

I purchased the compilation CD, and when it arrived from Switzerland I could tell it was a reissue because  it was an exact duplicate except for the fact that it has an OPAQUE spine. To tell you the truth it remains unopened in shrink wrap, but yes it is an exact reproduction.

This morning I cannot locate the package it was shipped in to publish the company and address. It is here somewhere amidst the chaos on my desk, a product of my ADHD mind.

Sometime later when again scoring the internet, I discovered a listing for the unauthorised release (they were out of stock) on a UK website. And the website cited the label as EMI.

I’m not pissed at the rip off, I wish EMI would release the compilation.

In my opinion the compilation is pretty good and fans are pleased with it.

I crammed as much music is I technically could. 79 minutes is the most information you can get on a CD and that’s what you get.

About the only criticism I received was a fan from NOW magazine in Toronto, who complained there were no liner notes. If I ever get enough capital or someone becomes a patron I will re-release it with comprehensive liner notes. Or maybe EMI will.

1 comment:

  1. "Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe. Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surrounding, the sphere of external influence extends to infinite distance." ~ Nikola Tesla


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