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Caesar Drives A Fast Car

  I wrote this song and we recorded it in 1979. The legendary John Peel played it on his BBC show amongst other things.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023



“Sure Mel. Maybe you can handle yourself one of them first class tickets to the resurrection.” Scarface (1983) brilliantly penned by Oliver Stone. I haven’t yet addressed the comments in this blog, put please keep them up, they’re great. It’s great to interact with others after so many years off the grid.

Past couple of weeks I have been down to one 70 mg. hit of Vyvanse per diem but I could use additional to be on the ball. But the healthcare system in Nova Scotia is pretty bad and the possibility of me finding a physician that’s a wizard in the field of psychotropic medication is next to impossible.

If only I had been diagnosed and treated for ADD/ADHD years ago, things would be much different.And in case it doesn’t show or hold itself self-evident, I have a bad case of complex PTSD which exacerbates the ADD/ADHD. As it is, I dropped out of high school and three universities and didn’t graduate.

( Humberside Collegiate Institute, where I was student council president. Ryerson Polytechnic University, University of Toronto and the University of Western Ontario.)

However I did complete my training in systems analysis at Honeywell in 1981-1982. That was an experimental military immersion program, a prototype for a future project in which I was essentially brainwashed into thinking all things computer science. One of the things that made it possible to learn so much so fast was to work on sleep deprivation. I actually graduated, but around the same time I was nominated for a UKNOW/CASBY award and won (to my surprise). So instead of making big money in the about to boom field of computer science, I detoured that career to concentrate on my musical career.


Anonymous said...

"Society demands that he limit himself to his function… There are indeed many precautions to imprison a man in what he is as if we lived in perpetual fear that he might escape from it, that he might break away and suddenly elude his condition.”

~ Jean-Paul Sartre (Being and Nothingness).

Anonymous said...

"Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live. And I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live, and you shall know that I am the Lord.”

~ Ezekiel 37.

Anonymous said...

"Excuse me, I'd just like to ask a question: What does God need with a starship?"

~ James T. Kirk (Star Trek 5 (1989)).