For if you remain silent at this time, liberation and rescue will arise for the Jews from another place, and you and your father’s house will perish [since you did not help when you had the chance]. And who knows whether you have attained royalty for such a time as this [and for this very purpose]?
I’m just saying The original intent of this post is to address my kidnapping, robbery, and attempted murder on Yorkville Avenue in Toronto, which occurred on July 2, 2002, at 6:55 PM in broad daylight. I intend to delve into this event in great detail shortly. Regarding my book, whether it's memoirs or an autobiography, there's a lot to discuss in an overview before I delve into specifics. On Wikipedia's "CARDBOARD BRAINS" page, it once stated that "John Paul Young is currently in seclusion," or in other words, hermitage. Although it has been edited out, it was essentially accurate. I have been in seclusion since September 2002. My whereabouts and contact information were unknown, which was my preference. Consequently, when Cardboard Brains performed at the Horseshoe Tavern for THE LAST POGO JUMPS AGAIN in 2007, Cardboard Brains guitarist had his friend and former Cardboard Brains member John "Sandy" McFadyen step in as the front man-voc...
I Want To Be A Yank This of course is the 1977 iconic CARDBOARD BRAINS White EP with I Want To Be A Yank, Living Inside My Head, Can Stress Kill, and of course our pre-pistols cover of the Monkees (I’m not your) Stepping Stone. The Canadian punk outfit FUCKED UP did a successful cover of I Want To Be A Yank, however the lyrics aren’t correct. So I would like to take this opportunity to present them in their full glory. “WHO REALLY CARES ABOUT MAGGIE T.? I’M REALLY SICK OF THE CBC. THE KIDS ARE ROTTING AT U. Of T. JUST TO WORK FOR THE U.I.C. RENE LEVESQUE’S THE MISSING LINK CBC TV PROGRAMS REALLY STINK YOUR MONEYS ALL DOWN THE DRINK I WISH I DIDN’T HAVE TO THINK. U.S. THEY GOT TAINTED HAM U.S. THEY GOT SON OF SAM U.S. THEY GOT SIRHAN SIRHAN U.S. THEY GOT VIETNAM I WANT TO BE A YANK! WHO REALLY CARES ABOUT MAGGIE T.? I’M REALLY SICK OF THE CBC THE KIDS ARE ROTTING AT U.of T. JUST TO WORK FOR THE U.I.C. U.S. THEY GOT JIMMY CARTER U.S. YOU CAN BE A MARTYR U.S. THEY GOT WORLD SERIES U...
Clip on (the) Cardboard Brains from Colin Brunton and Kire Papputs’ The Last Pogo Jumps Again. (2013). I’m glad they got Nardwaur the Human Serviette to substitute for a noticeably absent John Paul Young.
This is in response to a comment by unknown. I “star” in CINOFRENIC, as “Paul”. To the best of my knowledge Cardboard Brains does not perform in the film but Mike Nightmare and The Ugly does. I think The B-Girls also perform, and I can’t remember who else does. I probably wasn’t there that day. IMDB probably has more info on CINOFRENIC. Vince Carlucci would remember if Cardboard Brains performed in the film. I’m occasionally asked about it and if a copy is available. Again I don’t know. Eventually one will surface. Apparently it’s got some good footage of bands like The Ugly. I will always remember seeing Mike Nightmare spinning his mic around and singing: “Your not living in the real world!”. RIP Mike Nightmare. Thanks for the comment. JPY . And no, I don’t perform any music in the film. However we did in The Gate (1986). More about that shortly.
I wrote the last blog early in the morning, feeling terribly ill, which explains all the typos and such. One day, I intend to edit all of it, but for now, I'm just glad to have some material published. It's material that's difficult for me to discuss, yet it's something I constantly think about. However, I find it cathartic to share it on a public online forum. I touched upon my brother's death to some extent, though not completely. Honestly, I'd prefer not to delve into it, but I find it necessary. I felt compelled to mention discovering my brother's body to provide context to the series of events that impacted my nuclear family: the subsequent passing of my mother, my abduction, my seven baseless arrests, and four unjust incarcerations. Not to mention, enduring ten years on the harsh streets of Toronto while being swindled out of approximately fifteen million dollars in cash and assets. The "sick as a dog" episode began with a tickle in my throat...
I come from a family of four: my mother, Margaret Isabel Young (née Peace), my father, Dr. Robert Goddard Young, my brother, William Robert Stuart Young, who was six years my junior, and myself, John Paul Young. My brother's untimely death in July 1996 occurred just as I was about to turn forty. For the next six years, I took on the role of primary caregiver for my parents. The grim discovery of my younger brother's body in his apartment shocked me profoundly. The officer on duty, "Bart," suggested at the scene that by identifying my brother's body for the Coroner, I could shield our elderly parents from the anguish of seeing their son in such a condition. In clinical shock, I waited for the Coroner, a compassionate woman who arrived with the others. She understood the emotional impact of identifying a deceased relative, particularly given the condition of his body after two days. I wasn't allowed to see my brother's body until the Coroner deemed it approp...
CONSPIRACY 465 (1) (b) Everyone who conspires with anyone to prosecute a person for an alleged offence knowing they did not commit that offence is guilty of i) an indictable offence…
The Boulevards of Hope. You know, Dear Friends, what I really would like to do is release new music. But financing a project is the problem. If I were to use Ermie Scub as a guideline, it would cost about $CDN50,000.00 to release a comparable LP. Plus promotion and distribution. And I need things such as a practice space and gear. Maybe I will win the lottery or get a Canada Council for the Arts grant. Many sources including the CBC and Nardwaur and Canadian Composer (which was in the days of CAPAC) have commented on how depressing and down it is. But I submit that the above track is optimistic. And it’s one of my fave tracks on The Life of Ermie Scub.
For if you remain silent at this time, liberation and rescue will arise for the Jews from another place, and you and your father’s house will perish [since you did not help when you had the chance]. And who knows whether you have attained royalty for such a time as this [and for this very purpose]?
~ Esther 4:14 (Amplified Bible).