
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Caesar Drives A Fast Car


I wrote this song and we recorded it in 1979. The legendary John Peel played it on his BBC show amongst other things.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

1992 L.A. Riots (Rodney King) I was there!


I was attending The University of Western Ontario in London when I received a fairly substantial legal win. And as usual I did the reckless thing and dropped out suddenly for some fun.

My long time close friend Director Tibor Tackacs invited me to be a guest in Los Angeles for a bit.

I couldn’t say no.

I should have stayed in University. The University of Western Ontario was my THIRD university after Ryerson University and the University of Toronto. It wasn’t until 2000 that I was diagnosed and treated for ADHD (inattentive type). 

The tyranny of the shoulds. 

I SHOULD have stayed in the field of Systems Analysis and Electronic Data Processing after being Military Immersion trained by Honeywell Corporation in 1982. If I stayed in that field I would be worth a fortune today. C’est la vie.

What happened is I won  CASBY award for most promising male recording artist. My ambitions inflated, I chose to focus on music.

So Director Tibor Takacs invited me to L.A. His house was on North Arden about a block away from Hollywood and Vine. There was a guest house in the back where Tibor had a home office and a couch for me to sleep.

I left my apartment in London and headed for Toronto. There I stayed at my brother’s apartment near where my parents Clissold Road Etobicoke house. My mother was in a tizzy because working for him at his chiropractic clinic and office of International X-Ray Company Limited, she became suspicious of my father and investigated him.

My mother had discovered that my father had been leading a double life, and for years had a relationship with a woman named Carmen Turdgeon. We will explore that rabbit hole later.

My mother was quite upset and wanted to divorce my father. She should have. She told him he would never see the kids ( my brother and I) again if she left him.

To which my father wept. All of this traumatized me and I calmly told my father that he had ruined my life. That was in 1992 and this is 2024. It could be said that my words were oddly prophetic all these years later, yours truly now 68.

So after notifying Dear Old Dad he had ruined my life, I went to the bank and grabbed $US5000.00 for travelling money and boarded a train bound for Los Angeles. From Toronto you take a train to Chicago and stay overnight, then board an AMTRACK train that takes you to Los Angeles.

At the border the train stopped and the customs officers bordered the train.

(I’ll finish this story in a bit…)

Friday, August 23, 2024

More Than This: Kidnapped in Toronto 2002

 This video is not exactly Apocalypse Now Redux, shot on my iPhone and an angle, I’m yet to invest in a tripod. It’s 25 minutes long and I describe play by play the occurrence on Yorkville Avenue July 2 2002 Toronto Canada.

I ask the question: What was the rationale behind my kidnapping and attempted murder?

Consider that my mother had just died and I was the sole heir to the family fortune. Was it a random act of violent crime? Was it a thwarted hit? Was it to scare and intimidate me? Was my father behind it? Were the police behind it? How does this occurrence fit into the larger conspiracy I was unwittingly in the middle of?

Spoiler alert: If you have read salient points within this blog, I may have in a roundabout fashion disclosed that I was defrauded out of everything including my inheritance that I earned after working for and with my mother and father Dr. Robert Goddard Young and Margaret Isobel Young (Peace). I didn’t get a nickel out of my late mother’s estate. I would have been entitled to a portion if not all. My father made sure I received nothing and he got it all. My father died in 2012 and I wasn’t even notified and some slovenly Colombian “Caregiver “ got everything. My father actually “married” her and I have a copy of the marriage certificate. Hindsight being 20/20, I figure he actually registered his “marriage with the government to make it infeasible to contest his so called will. One of many after my mother died.

My brother William Robert Stuart Young 1963-1996. A tragedy one never recovers from. I’m literally scarred for life. Photo thanks to Richard Spee.

After the premiere of Gambling Gods and LSD in September 2002, I determined that living at my home at 34 Clissold Road was unsafe in anyway because of my father. After Fred Levitt, LL.B and Kathy Gillespie of Levitt Lightman Dewar and Graham LLP made my father “sole beneficiary “ of my mother’s estate, my father started calling the Toronto Police Service falsely claiming that I assaulted him. The first time he did was the day everything went into his name. I had all his paperwork intercepted unbeknownst to my father.

Even. My nemesis Stan Weismann, LL.B., another one of my father’s greasy lawyers complimented me on the quality of my information.

What I was getting at is that after the premiere of Gods Gambling and LSD I fled Toronto and my home at 34 Clissold Road and went to see Jeff Levinson’s friend Michael L.Sefton who lived in Fenelon Falls, Ontario. I stayed for a few days and attempted to go back home. I somehow entered the house without being seen and when I went downstairs to the basement where I supposedly lived I found two of a seemingly endless supply of low life caregivers, Jack and Sandy Blake loading EVERYTHING I owned into green garbage bags! What I didn’t know was that there was an unlawful warrant for my arrest out for John Paul Young for allegedly assaulting and threatening my father.

My friend Catharine Maguire said to me:”That’s like being raped! And indeed it was. Master tapes, scripts, computer equipment, thousands of photographs, thousands of priceless things…books…the loss is unbelievable.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Club David’s New Years Eve 1977


Our first real gig was at gay disco-tech Club David’s on Halloween night 1977. This gig was at Club David’s on New Years Eve 1977, supporting The Ugly and The Viletones. The line up was Paul O’Connell on bass, Vince Carlucci on guitar, Richard Miller on Drums and yours truly John Paul Young on vocals.

That night David’s burned to the ground including our P.A.

I wonder why Liz Worth excluded us from her otherwise great book on the Toronto punk scene 1977-1983. (Treat Me Like Dirt).

Maybe because I was in jail or in seclusion. Hee hee.

Sunday, August 11, 2024



THIS is a great track from The Life of Ermie Scub (1980). 

I wrote it with the apocalypse in mind, as is most of the album. You should listen with headphones. Maybe SCUB is semi-autobiographical but the coming apocalypse is the main theme. On “Surrender To the Void” you hear a sound bite stating “The horses are on the track…”. 
That’s a not so subtle reference to the four horseman of the apocalypse.

If you don’t have a copy of my 1980 LP, you can get one on Discogs currently for about $CDN30.00 plus shipping. I don’t make any money off of it, but I like to spread the word.

Here is the entire album on YouTube:

Someday I would like to release new material and a sequel to this Life of Ermie Scub. If I win the lottery I will do just that.

Thursday, August 01, 2024


 Live at The Horseshoe Tavern in 1978. 

I think this is “Can Stress Kill” from the 1977 Cardboard Brains White EP.

Sunday, June 23, 2024


 It’s been awhile Dear Friends.There hasn’t been a lot to report. 

Went to the cabin near Bridgewater which is completely off the grid. 

It’s about a KM into the secluded woods and you really need a Toyota Land Cruiser to get in there. It’s entirely built piece by piece by hand by an old German gentleman named Horst. No power, with the exception of solar power for charging batteries. No running water but a hand pump. No internet so doomscrolling is out. 

The ideal place for contemplation.

I’ll be turning 68 this July 16 and it sort of scares me. If I’m going to start a revolution or write a manifesto I had better do it now.

I wonder if I will ever get around to doing music again. I’ve wanted to for years but life got in the way.

For now I’m concentrating on my YouTube channel. I enjoy the feedback I get and I find it a joy. Please visit and subscribe. Here is the link:


Thursday, April 04, 2024

April 2024

Haven’t posted in a long time. Stayed for a while at an Air BnB in Chester, Nova Scotia. 

Basically living the life and chilling. I’ll post again soon. 

Thanks everyone.

Friday, March 01, 2024


 Clip on (the) Cardboard Brains from Colin Brunton and Kire Papputs’ The Last Pogo Jumps Again. (2013).

I’m glad they got Nardwaur the Human Serviette to substitute for a noticeably absent John Paul Young.

Saturday, February 17, 2024



I Want To Be A Yank

This of course is the 1977 iconic CARDBOARD BRAINS White EP with I Want To Be A Yank, Living Inside My Head, Can Stress Kill, and of course our pre-pistols cover of the Monkees (I’m not your) Stepping Stone. The Canadian punk outfit FUCKED UP did a successful cover of I Want To Be A Yank, however the lyrics aren’t correct. So I would like to take this opportunity to present them in their full glory.























Maybe the Canadian punk band FUCKED UP didn’t want to use the real lyrics at the risk of offending the CBC (they CBC aired a segment on them featuring the song, but I think The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation would see the ironic humour inherent.

That version of CARDBOARD BRAINS 1977-1978 should have put out an LP instead of an EP. The band comprised Paul O’Connell on bass, a Brit by the name of Rich Miller on Drums, Vince Carlucci and John Paul Young on Vocals and lyrics.

Monday, January 22, 2024



I will get into this in much more detail at a later time, but for now I want to expose some initial truth.

My brother passed away July 1996. I reformed CARDBOARD BRAINS in April 2000. I did the movie KILLER RATS in March/April in Bulgaria with Ron Perlman. 

After an abysmal and unproductive 1990’s I was approaching 45 and hitting my stride by the time I was back in Toronto. I had money in the bank (MEG Entertainment in my mother’s name), I was buff and at my physical peak of health. I had a martial arts trainer, I did one hour of cardio each day plus weight training. Bruce Lee had become my new role model and I was adopting the philosophy of Jeet Kune-Do.

I was at John Gundy’s house, formerly owned by producer Bob Ezrin. John Gundy was a patron who was Executive Producer of the White and Black EP’s of CARDBOARD BRAINS.

His being knowledgeable in legal and financial matters, I told John I was slated to inherit a great deal of money and I thought I should put my affairs in order so to speak. I asked him what I should do. He advised me to put everything under one umbrella and go see HEENAN-BLAIKIE LLP. Where coincidently David Quinten Steinberg, drummer for THE MODS who appear on THE LAST POGO. (BOMB RECORDS), film by Colin Brunton, works as a Senior Entertainment Lawyer.

I  subsequently met with Christina Buchlie, a former Line Producer, then a Junior Entertainment Lawyer with Heenan-Blaikie. Heenan-Blaikie is a prestigious Bay Street law firm.

Christina Buchlie was extremely nice and extremely helpful when I gave her an overview of myself and my family and the wealth that was rightfully to inherit. She told me what to do, such as making a will, incorporating myself as an artist and how to make myself litigation proof. I left the offices of Heenan-Blaikie elated on a June bday in 2001and decided to check out one of my passion's, books, particularily books on film. I jaunted through downtown Toronto first to Theatrebooks and then onto Chapter’s on Bloor Street by Bay Street.

I went to the magazine section where the film mags were situated, and picked up magazine entitled POV. To my surprise, the cover of POV advertised an article on my old friend Director Peter Mettler. I hadn’t seen or heard of Peter Mettler since I served in some capacity as a consultant for some world spiritual journey film he was working on. That was in 1996, immediately after the death of my brother.

Opening POV and reading the article on Peter Mettler, I was awestruck to read the article which began something like this: “Rarely does a journalist get to view unedited footage of a filmmaker's work but this is the case for Peter Mettler’s new documentary. The film begins in Mettler’s hometown of Toronto with a walk and a talk with a friend who vividly describes his battle and experience with HEROIN ADDICTION…”

I was outraged. My regretful experience with heroin took place after the tragic death of my mentor Charles Luna M.D. in 1993 and lasted only three horrible years and the again tragic death of my younger brother William Robert Stuart Young in July 1996 and my subsequently going to REHAB at Homewood in Guelph Ontario.

I grow fatigued now. It’s been a productive early morning session. CIAO.

In September 2001, EXACTLY when the twin tower 9/11 attacks occurred…

Let me fast forward. I want to put some spice in this blog. All astoundingly true. My mother suddenly died, my father turned into Satan incarnate. He amassed an army against me. I was kidnapped and my murder attempted. Then after the premiere of Gambling Gods and LSD I was falsely arrested an astounding six times and falsely imprisoned four times.

And that took up ten years of my life. And when I was imprisoned in the MAPLEHURST CORRECTIONAL COMPLEX I was actually shackled with leg irons everyday to go to court. That’s when I wasn’t locked in the HOLE.

There I said it. I’ve been beating around the bush for a long time. But I haven’t anything to hide or be ashamed of. Let the shame be upon all those responsible. I believe in full transparency and full disclosure.

I’ve got a sprained wrist from falling on the ice the other day, so I have to take a break from writing. I read this just now on my iPhone, and it sounds pretty crazy. But true.

When Nancy Pelosi’s husband was attacked with a hammer, allegedly, the media analyzed the accused man's blog and said it contained posts that had titles and no body. This they said indicated he was mentally unstable. I’m posting this from my iPhone with a sprained wrist. So there, say what you will.


 This blog is of course a work in progress. Just know I increased the font size in order to make the copy more readable.

When I consider what to do with what is left of my life, the next and most logical conclusion is to write and publish my memoirs. I have to figure out how to divide my time between this blog and writing drafts for the memoirs.

The way I see it, I can use this blog as a precursor to the book.

In a recent post on Facebook, I lamented the absurd censoring of myself and CARDBOARD BRAINS out of Liz Worth’s book TREAT ME LIKE DIRT. In response to the post I received support from various Facebook friends, many of them entertainment professionals like published  author Peter Vronsky. They admonished me to write my memoirs in a tell all fashion.

Which I have been working on for a couple of years, initially with Scott Edward Patterson of UNCOMMON FRANK in Melbourne, Australia.

Today I have begun my writing as soon as I awake as I and Julia Cameron and so many others swear by. I find later on I feel to burned out and lackadaisical to start writing on my little iPad.

The question is autobiography or memoirs. As usual I chose a mixture of column A and column B. An ensemble of memoirs covering my wild ride on earth for 67 years. Probably seventy years I'll be by the time the book is written and published and promoted.

Considering a book is about 100,000 words, I will have to write about 1000 words a day for a 100 days.That’s doable, but I have to get out of sloth mode and put some discipline and purpose in my life. Again, it’s doable I have done it before and I’ll  do it again.

I need an editor and what I have always needed is a lawyer. But money is currently tight. However I believe where there is a will there is a way.

I usually list myself as Actor, Writer, Composer. Now I simply list myself as “Artist”.

I am an actor of course having been on since a child. Some who know me would say since birth. Which sort of fits that with acting and writing and the arts your born with it. You either have IT or you don’t. Stephen King says this concerning  writing.

My first acting gig was when I was in Grade 2 or 3 when I appeared on Razzle Dazzle with Howie the Turtle and Alan Hamel. I think that was the CBC ( Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). Then it was an endless succession of plays, radio and film. I became a member of ACTRA under the professional reputation clause in 1986. I could have joined earlier.

And of course as a singer-songwriter musician composer producer starting in 1976-1977 when I formed CARDBOARD BRAINS. 

TIBOR TAKACS produced th Black and the White Cardboard Brains EPs but I produced my solo venture THE LIFE OF ERMIE SCUB (with help from Stanley A. Viezner who was invaluable especially in th peer-production of THE LIFE OF ERMIE SCUB.

For years TIBOR TAKACS admonished me to write. I once told me while I was staying with him in Los Angeles: “Of all the people I know who write, the one person that should doesn’t, and that’s you.”

In 1975 and 1976 I co-wrote two plays with Rich Allen on entitled “Stranger Gets Closer” and the other entitled “Stranger Gets Closer”. I wrote dialogue for TIBOR TAKACS and STEPHEN ZOLLER’s play “Metal Messiah” and subsequently for TIBOR TAKACS first feature film METAL MESSIAH.

I was Vice President of International X-ray Company from 1969 to 2002 which involved a share of writing, copywriting and legal work and that sort. But in 1984 I started two corporations with my mother and became President of Micro-manipulation Research Inc. And a USA corporation Youngstown-Universal, Inc. 1984to 1989. Also John Paul Young Productions Inc.

With Micro-manipulation Research Inc. I wrote extensive direct marketing pieces every month and had them mailed them to literally every known chiropractor and chiropractic student in the world. Each and every month. I was marketing and administering a technique my father developed entitled MICRO-MANIPULATION. I was published in TODAY’s CHIROPRACTIC on three occasion's, a series of articles entitled MICRO-MANIPULATION by John Paul Young. But the articles were so well done (if I may boast) that I received myriad letters from chiropractors all over the world. They were addressed “DR.” John Paul Young. The articles were technical in nature and they just assumed I was a doctor. I thought that was pretty good. From 1984 to 1989 I was a direct marketing king.

More on all this later, I am simply trying to establish my background with the title “WRITER”.

My academic history is fragmented, but after graduating from high school from the Toronto High Park area HUMBERSIDE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE (where amongst other things I was President of the Student Council) then I enrolled at RYERSON POLYTECHNICAL UNIVERSITY briefly then on to the University of Toronto where I took Psychology, then later To The University of Western Ontario where I took English Literature, Cinema Studies and Theology.  I have a lot more education then that but its feeling a little tedious. My point was establish my background as a writer (artist).

What will my memoirs entail? Well one learned person who I gave an overview of my would be memoirs, and this was twenty years ago said my memoirs would be Mickey Spillane meets Carl Gustav Jung. I think nicely put. In the meantime, until publication this blog will serve as a prime indicator of the contents. 

And so it goes.