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Caesar Drives A Fast Car

  I wrote this song and we recorded it in 1979. The legendary John Peel played it on his BBC show amongst other things.

Showing posts with label ermie scub cardboard brains john paul young. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ermie scub cardboard brains john paul young. Show all posts

Friday, June 23, 2023

All the Sad Goodbyes


I omitted this track from the 1998 compilation CD because I personally thought it was weak. But I read someone’s blog or critique of the CD complaining that “All the Sad Goodbyes” was omitted from the Ermie Scub excerpts on the CD.

So here it is. The middle instrumentation is a backwards grand piano, and I like the sequence extro.

I must blog and vlog more. Thanks to however posted my links to Facebook etcetera.

I’ll be turning sixty seven this July 16th. That’s pretty old. But what to do? I still want to record and perform. I fancy doing a Leonard Cohen reinvention at my age. 

For some reason I’m getting a lot of Android views from Singapore. Hello Singapore!

Tuesday, January 03, 2023



I’m just saying 

The initial purpose of this post was to discuss my kidnapping, robbery and attempted murder on Yorkville Avenue in Toronto on July 2, 2002 in broad daylight at 6:55 PM.
I will explore this occurrence in vivid detail as soon as I can. And on the subject of my book, whether it be memoirs or autobiography, there is much ground to cover as an overview before I get down to it, so to speak.

Previously on Wikipedia on the “CARDBOARD BRAINS” page, it states that “John Paul Young is currently in seclusion. Or when translated: hermitage. It since had been edited out, but was essentially accurate. I was indeed in seclusion from September 2002 on. No one knew where I was or how to contact me and that’s the way I wanted it. That is why Cardboard Brains guitarist had his friend and once Cardboard Brains alumni John “Sandy” Macfadyen fill in for myself as front man-vocalist when the sort of Cardboard Brains played at the Horseshoe Tavern for THE LAST POGO JUMPS AGAIN in 2006.

I was nowhere to be found. Even on message boards and chat groups the rumour was that I was dead.

Sandy Macfadyen as John Paul Young with Cardboard Brains at the Horseshoe Tavern 2006.

I have been reticent to publish my thoughts and experiences for years even on Facebook. However, now I feel I might as well be bold and shout it out loud so to speak, and I have much to say. I have nothing to regret and as for my life experiences: That is my life and I chose to embrace them as part of my being.

It escapes me at the moment, but someone once said we are the people we have met, the places we have been and the books we have read. This is my life and I chose to embrace it, including the tragedies, tribulations and triumphs. So be it.

One of the reasons I was “in seclusion” was because I was arrested. Seven times. And imprisoned. Four times. And without committing a crime.