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The Cardboard Brains White EP 1977

Cardboard Brains White EP 1977 When looking at the Blogger stats I see people around the world tuning into this blog and I would bet that so...

Saturday, November 25, 2023


 Kind of a blause title of a blog post but what the heck. Somewhere in the annals of this blog is a half assed Curriculum Vitae. It lists recordings but not movies I have been in, not to mention the myriad other wild and wacky things I have done.

For the inquiring mind, IMDB.com doesn’t list all the movies I have done only the major ones and the ones I am credited. As a Voice Artist I don’t traditionally get credited because the studio doesn’t want the viewer to know it’s not the real actors voice they’re listening to. As in the case of Johnny Mnemonic (1996).

So here are some movies I have been in according to IMDB.com (If you look me up on IMDB there are two John Paul Young’s listed. I believe I am the John Paul Young (1) Metal Messiah (1978) not the Scottish Australian John Paul Young (2) Strictly Ballroom whatever year that was.

Metal Messiah (1978) (shot in 1976)
Killer Rats
Gambling Gods and LSD
The Top of His Head
The Gate
Gate II: Trespassers
Johnny Mnemonic (1996)
984:Prisoner of the Future
Shock Rock/Meat the Cleaver
Walk Through
The Sheepeaters
American Knights
Earth Final Conflict
The Last Pogo
I, Madman
Others aren’t listed and/or too many to recall.

My Hunter Biden Impression and Today’s Blog Post…


@5:30 in the morning there’s no time to get a slick self-portrait together.

Spent the morning so far annoying people I know by inundating them with screen shots of things I find interesting or amusing.Going to post this on Facebook also in at shameless act of self-promotion.

I’ve had Facebook since I believe 2009. Reflections of my life: I can remember what I was doing by certain mnemonic guideposts. For instance 2009 is the year Michael Jackson died. I was living in London, Ontario. It was summertime and I was shuffling around the streets of downtown London and I looked at a newspaper box and the cover of the paper showed simply a single still glove.

It always hits me when certain notable figures die. I still can’t believe the death of Prince…especially by way of fentanyl. I was led to believe he was clean as a whistle.

Two things I can’t deal with in 2023 are death and love. I mean I certainly do deal with them, I had to by default, but in my own way i have acquired and that is to remain absolutely stoic. A woman I’ve known for several years sat me down and said: “ I’m going to tell you something and you don’t have to say anything. I love you.” 

And so I said nothing. Later heard she was somehow hurt and offended. I was glad to be off the hook and say nothing. Stoic. I’ve become stoic. 

Ten years ago in 2013 after just migrating here to Halifax I was diagnosed with prostrate cancer. I had surgery, and while after the surgery they stapled me up. While lying in bed one night healing, I sneezed so hard all the staples ripped out of my side. The pain was transcendant but I could do nothing. But I needed help…something had to be done. So I stumbled downstairs to the concierge downstairs where I live. I looked at the staff and they looked at me as it to say: “Yes?”

I simply lifted up my sweater to show the hideous wound gaping blood where the staples once were. So then it was off to the hospital. As I lie on the bed the resident knew the pain I was in. Years ago I would have quasi-malingered for some sweet pain killer but this night i did not care. As I lay there bathed in blood the doctor observed and said one thing:”STOIC.”

I guess this death and love theme is sort of depressing but I don’t intend it to be.  Generally speaking I’m pretty happy.

2009. I had a small apartment in downtown London.I don’t remember much but smoking a lot. Someone gave me an old and decrepit IBM 386 that I stacked on a milk crate. That is when I opened my first Facebook account during the summer that Michael Jackson died.

(Ill post this to blogger and to facebook and come back to pen more, embellish and edit)

Tuesday, October 03, 2023


And so it goes.

I continue to post using my hunt-and-peck typing on my 10.5 inch 7th generation iPad. I’m now using iOS17 and it “doesn’t support accessories”, that being my Apple Magic Keyboard for the iPad. The only difference that I can see is in that semi-nauseating auto-correct that gave me so many bizarre typos.

To write is human to edit divine: so said Stephen King in “Stephen King On Writing”.And so I must edit and embellish the last 38 blog posts I have presented.

I’m going to try writing first thing in the morning as Julia Cameron in “The Artists Way”, which I’ve never read but should. Ernest Hemingway also wrote first thing in the morning.

There are many books I need to read including Liz Worth’s book on the Toronto punk scene “Treat Me Like Dirt” even though I and Cardboard Brains has apparently bleached out of the book.

Friday, September 15, 2023



 Here’s a demo that Brian Joseph Johns posted on YouTube. Year of recording uncertain, sometime in the eighties.

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

John Paul Young and Cardboard Brains Live at the Edge 1981


Behold the limited edition (500 copies) of the 1981 Cardboard Brains and myself are at Gary Topp and Bary Cormier club Egertons (The Edge).

Friday, June 23, 2023

All the Sad Goodbyes


I omitted this track from the 1998 compilation CD because I personally thought it was weak. But I read someone’s blog or critique of the CD complaining that “All the Sad Goodbyes” was omitted from the Ermie Scub excerpts on the CD.

So here it is. The middle instrumentation is a backwards grand piano, and I like the sequence extro.

I must blog and vlog more. Thanks to however posted my links to Facebook etcetera.

I’ll be turning sixty seven this July 16th. That’s pretty old. But what to do? I still want to record and perform. I fancy doing a Leonard Cohen reinvention at my age. 

For some reason I’m getting a lot of Android views from Singapore. Hello Singapore!

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The Girl Spells Grief


Wednesday June 14, 2023 @7:15AM Atlantic time, Halifax, Nova Scotia. I have the blahs today. A second Vyvanse was in order. There’s a course in cybersecurity coming up that the government of Canada will pay for, and I applied for it. But to be quite honest I don’t know if I have the chops.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023



After the death of my mother I was yoked with the 24/7 task of taking care of my crazed 81 year old father who at the time was still a practising chiropractor in Etobicoke, Ontario, a part of Toronto.

On July 2, 2002 I couldn't take nit anymore and in act of desperation loaded up my diesel VW Jetta and made the move of taking off cross country to Vancouver, British Columbia.

I had in my possession a cheque for over a thousand dollars and my first move was to drive to a MONEY MART to cash it. And I cashed it and phoned my confidante and friend John Gundy (Executive Producer of the White and Black EPs) and told him of my planned exodus. I also told friend and fellow actor  Jason Barbeck and Christine Wrigglesworth former personal assistant to Adrienne Clarkson at the CBC.

I drove from whatever MONEY MART I went to and drove to John Gundys house on Summer-hill in downtown Toronto. John livers in Bob Ezrins old house and has the garnd piano from THE WALL in his living room. 

John Gundy was having some kind of dinner party and I didn't stay I got in my car and continued on my journey.. I drove down Yonge Street which Summerhill runs into. My plan was to have a beer and a salad at a place called HEMINGWAY'S. It was a beautiful about to be evening and sitting on the outside would be a pleasure.

Parking downtown was usually a nightmare but I noticed a parking lot just off Yorkville Avenue and landed my Jetta immediately by Yorkville.

And like to point out to my international readers that Yorkville is a trendy, affluent part of downtown Toronto. My friend director Tibor Takacs and I once saw ELTON JOHN strolling down Yorkville attired in a coat of all ermine.

At EXACTLY 6:55 PM (I have photographic memory and I will never forget the parking stub I placed on my dashboard that evening) I parked my care and walked no more then twenty steps to the  Yorkville Avenue sidewalk. I wore a black leather suit jacket and black pants.

In a nano second upon hitting the street I  heard someone shout at me. I turned to notice a van with two smiling gentlemen in it, smiling and beckoning for me to come to them.

As I got to the van the continued to smile  and encouraged me to have a seat in the back. The door being opened, foolishly, I did. I mean, my mother just died and my father turned into a Satanic Ritual Abuser. My actions and judgement were seriously askew.

When I got in the van and sat down, They slammed the door shut and were no longer smiling. Instead They punched me in the head several times, pushed a sharpened screwdriver into my neck and had me empty my pockets with all my money, keys my ACTRA card and my passport.

They proceeded to drive down Yorkville with me in the back as their captive. I tried to escape at the base of Yorkville Avenue around where Hemingway's was situated, but they caught my move for the lock on the van door and thwarted my escape. The passenger said he had a gun. They kept shouting at me as to my address and who was at home. not contented with my over one thousand in cash and potentially my care, they wanted to do a home invasion.

They drove across Avenue Road to a secluded area off Walmer Road. Avenue? No time to fact check. 

With no one around on Walmer Road they stopped and parked the van. They told me:


I didnt like that idea if you get the picture. They had my money my keys my ID and the van was stolen. They wanted me to get me to lie face down so they could stab me in the back and leave me in the abandoned van for dead.